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Directions From Warrenton

When you enter Warrenton from RT 1001, at the second stop light turn left onto Main Street.
Go to the next traffic light turn right onto RT 158/58/43. If arriving from Norlina on RT 158, turn right on Main Street and at second traffic light turn left on to Macon Street RT 158/58/43.

Pass Lowes Food, at the Armory, which will be on your left, bear right on to RT58/43.

Follow this road for five miles. You will pass the Warrenton Golf Club.

When you come to a post and rail fence on the left RTS 58 and 43 split. Follow RT 58 by turning right..(there is a small church on the right hand corner.)

Again follow RT 58 for five miles. You will pass over a small bridge and on the right will be a sign "Welcome to Inez Community". In about a quarter mile you will see the "Halifax Electric Sub-Station" which sits at the corner of DAVIS BUGG ROAD/PETE HARRIS ROAD.

Turn left onto DAVIS BUGG ROAD. There will be a black post and rail fence on the left. You are now at Lake O' The Woods Estate.

Pass Lake O' The Woods Cottage and please come to the Main House which is the second house on the left.